Random Musings

The world is infatuated with short quotes that are easily meme-ified, so through my own brains meme-ification, I have jotted down some random thoughts from over the years, in sort of a quote-poem.
A “Quoem” if you will : )

It is not to be taken too seriously.
It’s simply a mixture of euphemisms and aphorisms, mixed with a healthy bit of plagiarism, because lets face it: Homo sapiens have been around for about 200.000 years, and universal truths never changes so hence the insights remain the same.

Here goes:

None The Wiser

You can know every thing of significance, yet still not comprehend anything of value.

You can own every thing of value, but never truly possess anything of significance.

You can become “someone” on the outside, but most often at the expense of never knowing what’s truly inside.

You can even pursue becoming “none”, but the harder you try, the more you’ll grow numb.

Pretty dumb.

Whatever you depend on to set you free, will be the very thing that enslaves you.

We love the relief of stress so much, that when we lack pain, we grow bored, so we invent our own trials and tribulations to keep us having something to escape from, and attain to.

Our cognitive brain is a problem-solver and challenge winner, all day and every day.

Too bad we can’t beat the challenge of settling for okay.

As long as you seek, you’ll only find, what someone else has already put in your mind.
But: Let go and release, then “IT” will come with ease.

An inner peace, as you stop to appease.

We seek to improve everything around us, inadvertently ruining the things that astound us.
Then, to make up for our self inflicted condition, we invent new problems, simply out of volition.

Putting obstacles in our own way, is how most people live day-to-day:

The harder something is to achieve, the sweeter the reward is perceived.

The easier something is to attain, the faster we hold it in disdain.

Life IS your emotions. Yet you’re looking for potions, to numb the pain of feeling existence is in vain.

If we bury our feelings alive, they will surely come back to haunt us,
but if we listen and let them express themselves, the worst they can do is taunt us.

Your body and mind are designed for survival.
If you do not learn how to take control, then your sanity will never get a revival.

Can we be objective, is it even a pleasure?
Can we hold in regard what we can’t even measure?

The deepest satisfaction comes from the highest of yearnings, yet instant release is all that we seek.
In spite of the knowledge from all of man’s learnings, our autonomous respite, turns our minds ever bleak.

As long as our wants supersedes our needs, we’ll forever be left feeling wanting.
This, our most paradoxical trait, is what makes our lives seem daunting.

Self-medicating through absolving distraction, plays a major part in conditioned attraction.
Common-sense, now an ancient redaction, is replaced by pleasurable sensations, sold for a fraction.

Do you inherently live to please, or to be pleased?

Do you instinctively seek out hardships, or long to be eased?

What ever “it” is, it is only at the end, that you finally see, that you’ve been your own worst friend.

You see, whatever you seek and whatever you get, is the physical solace for the emotions you fret.
‘Cause the “thing” that you crave at the very most, is the feelings that you inadvertently ghost.

In this eternal pursuit, forever outside your reach.
In this Self-made game, of hide-and-seek.

The One.
The hider and seeker, caught up chasing both tails, tripping over your sneakers.
Seeking to escape to no avail, ‘cause the exit’s the entrance to yet another game.

In this perpetual loop, the “I” is to blame.
But alas, only through playing, will you keep somewhat sane.

Know this:
All that you achieve and acquire, you will lose at the end of your endeavor,
and all you have ever lost and desired, will haunt you forever and ever.

Such is the state of being awake, to which the only alternative is being a fake,
for the only cure for the human condition, is to be living without any real cognition.

The few people that “gets it” the most, are the ones that tries the least to boast.
And the slew of people who say they “know”, are the ones only trying to please for show.

The question is this:
Can you accept this unsolvable paradox of life?
Or do you choose to remain entrapped by your thoughts in the night?
‘Cause, one thing’s for sure: There is no escape.
The thing is however, “IT” is what we make.

But come on:
If this wasn’t really what we actually wanted, wouldn’t we have eloped by now, instead of defaulted?

If only, if only, we just could somehow, figure out what we TRULY sought, instead of looping about.
But perhaps it’s the chase, which really attracts, and not actually the goal, which kind of detracts?
Like similar poles pushing further away, in the nonsensical game of trying to stay.
Fixed in a flux, of growing disarray, mentally locked-in, with thoughts of dismay.

What ever we think, it’s our own creation, for nothing outside can affect our foundation.
The thing is just this: Who have laid down the bricks, and was it for your benefit, or simply for shits?
[-and giggles]

Life itself has been turned into a pay-to-enter venture.
And when you pay up, you come to expect a pay out.

Everyone is looking to maximize their investment.
Short-term buy-in and long term sell-out.

The numbers matter, and the numbness does not.
As long as we get payed, who cares if our internals rot.

How can we be so neurotically self conscious, yet so numbingly self unaware?
We have a chronically guilty conscious, that lives rent free without a care.

We even feel guilt about feeling guilty!
Man oh man, talk about a self-dilapidating faculty.

The more we try to improve and impress, the more we live in disarray and distress.

If only, we could stop trying so hard, to convince our self that we are(nt?) good enough.
If only we’d realize that you cannot heat fire with fire.
We’d get an inkling.

And we wouldn’t constantly feel like we’re about to run out of kindling.

With response ability comes responsibility.
Hence a guilty conscience is the inevitable price of not having unconscious faculties.

What will it take, except the bounce of rock bottom, before we will find what has long been forgotten?

If only realizations trumped rationalizations, then perhaps there wouldn’t be so much idolization?

We’re remain blinded by neon lights, but insist on change the tubes,
instead of cutting off the supply, and thereby changing the rules.

But alas, we’d much rather lie to our selves than risk lose face.
So we eagerly soldier-on in the entrapping rat-race.

The ego destroys all satisfaction, by second guessing your every action.
But only if you let it, lest you forget it. So perhaps it’s better somehow to just simply let it?

If you think you are wrong, then you are right. But if think you are right, then you are wrong.

If you only had sunshine in your life, pretty soon, all that’d survive would be weeds in a barren dessert.

It takes rain for a plant to grow.
It takes a lot of wind to make them tough enough to survive a storm.

When you learn not to worry about the weather, and instead shift your focus on building a well prepared wardrobe.
You will become free to enjoy the outside, regardless of the conditions.

Just like your first time, jumping in rain puddles.
-Without worrying about dirtying your clothes.


If you have a washer. Then why even bother worrying about dirty clothes?

There are two ways to clean clothes:

1: Don’t use them.
2: Wash them when they get dirty.

Which do you choose?

Do you bend reality to make it what your Self wants?
Or do you bend your Self, to see reality for what it is?

There is no dominion, only opinion.
There are no true sides, only slippery slides.
The further to one side, the closer the other, so why not choose to not even bother?

There are two types of people:
Those who creates and those who consumes.
The trick is to not let the hate of the consumers, consume you!

There are no expectations, but those we accept or those we impose.
There is nothing we have to do.
There is nothing we cannot do.
Only consequences for either our actions or inactions.

The only question you need to ask is:
Do you accept this responsibility of ultimate freedom, or do you choose to cripple yourself with imaginary boundaries to make life feel less overwhelming?

Comfort can be a comfy bed.
Comfort can mean playing by the rules.

Freedom is not needing a bed at all.
Freedom is knowing that everything is just made up.

The earth makes one revolution and we call it a day, but the minute time intervals are made up.

The number of week-days are made up.
There are also no “work days” or “off days”.

The earth circles the sun and we call it a year, but the number of months are made up.

The seasons change, but there is no “summer time” or “winter time”.

All of the above is simply man’s way of compartmentalizing infinity, quantizing a continuum and oversimplifying ultimate complexity, and then exclaiming:

But here’s the thing:
If we need self-imposed restrictions and limitations to feel greatness within set boundaries, then what does that tell you about Man’s inner character?

Black belts.
Funny hats.

Who are we trying to impress?

Trying to mangle life in to a controllable and conquerable game with right angles and convoluted regulatory systems, instead of embracing waywardness and uncertainty, is that really the best we can come up with?

The only thing we can be certain about is that nothing is certain.
Except for the drop of the curtain.

The question is just:
Till then.
Do you prefer to be in the campy comfort of the audience having an opinion, or be on stage, singing your heart out, having fun?

Nature is chaos but man seek order.
This futile pursuit is what makes life feel shorter.
When you fuck something up, it fucks you right back, when you test something’s strength, some things surely will crack.

What ever you
do the most,
Turns you into its host

We learn through our senses, by persuasion from masters.
‘Cause the brain only recalls impacts that matters.
So in a world of dilution of everything known,
What is the solution, to how it is goin’?

Those who are left, thinks they are right, because those who were right, got up and left.
These are the cards that have been dealt, and this is the game of ancestral debt.

Like toddlers, we insist to keep making our own mistakes,
Why bother learning from the past, when the future is someone else’s ache?

We happily give up authenticity in exchange for conveniency.
This leaves us in a state of dazed complacency, under the guise of security.

If we keep living like we have infinite tries, and not paying attention when everything dies.
Then surely we will reap what others have sown: A soil in which nothing ever will grow.

Whenever we consume a recording, be aware of the recorders intentions.
Because everything is curated, and manipulated for the creators ascension.

All sandcastles are eventually destroyed by over-engineering or boredom.
This is all fine and dandy, when you have plenty of beach to choose from.
But since we do not, shouldn’t we grow a brain,
So all this hard work won’t end in pain?

Life’s a beach, and then we die. So why not at least just give it a try?
Common man, what’s the worst that could happen:
A little sand in the eyes, and perhaps a light slappin’?

The sun will set and then rise in the morning.
What are we so afraid of, why insist on mourning?
Lamenting what will inevitable be gone, instead of setting our Selves free:
By simply doing what we already know must be done, by using our sanity!

If mind-altering substances is what it takes, to realize what the meaning of life is.
Then my question is this: How can you be sure your mind is not playing tricks?

Because if it feels right when “you” are gone?
Then “who” is right when “you” is wrong?

Who can judge what is meant for a jury.
Who decides what is strengthening or injury?

What evaluates what the mind creates?
Who talks, who listens, who negates?

No “one”, my friend, see it’s all the same.
We are all in this together, and all struggle the same.

The burden of being bestowed a trait that came without a guide.
An annoying awareness from which we can never hide.

So, weary from feeling lost,
we’ll accept momentary comfort for permanent cost.

You can worry about the weather and try to stay updated on the forecast, or you can choose to wear seasonal clothing and live without the dependency of the broadcast.

We can never do something that we do not choose.
Free will is only a loose fitting noose.

But our biggest asset is our biggest regret:
The power to contemplate our own death.

This is our blessing but also our curse:
The choice to drive off road, or feel stuck in a hearse.
You can only move forward, never in reverse.
And driving a “manual” like an “automatic”, will only make it worse.

If we don’t decide, the decision is made for us,
so there’s no time to waste, if you don’t wanna wait for the chorus.

“X” like no one’s watching, or remain crippled by your Self-awareness’ detraction.

Keep watching your watch, or get lost in the action.

There’s nothing on this earth that you HAVE TO DO, but infinite things that you CAN CHOOSE TO DO.
So what are you waiting for?
Mental Kung Fu?

Deriving value from pain, is the leash we are strangling ourselves with.
It shouldn’t have to be this way, but who are we to change it?

If we can only be happy after feeling crappy,
then crap is what we’ll get, as long as we feel in debt.

When are we worthy, and who gets to decide?
Your self, or a lynch mob that hope you’ll die?

The moment we let go of external approval, is the second we reverse our joy’s removal.

Not giving a fuck is a very handy tool,
So when life sucks, go grab a stool,
Get your poison of choice and rejoice, ‘cause congratulations:
Your training is over, feel free to make your own revelations.

Life is a mirrored palindrome that we traverse.
Ironically aging mentally in reverse.

Most leave this world with the same dumbfounded look on their face, as they initially had on as they embarked on this race.
The rodeo bout of self-worship at every cost, with no attention paid to what we actually lost.
The cost of doing business is one human soul, just as with every “like”, or so I’ve been told.

Life, if done proper, will wear us all to the bone.
Through this haunting sensation that we must go it alone.

Striving to be moral, based on cultural tradition,
is like trying to be factual through superstition.

We take our mistakes with us when we leave,
only to be redone by the next of our breed.

Since we all start over at each generation,
all that was learned is lost to damnation.

Personal experience is what cements the matter,
so we postpone hardships, and settle for flatter.

If history teaches us anything, then it’s that history teaches us nothing.
Humans grow easily bored, and drama is endlessly entertaining.

The question remains:
Will we ever comprehend our infernal adviser?

Well I guess not, since the choir still chants:

We’re all none the wiser…

Well. There you go.
The standard “Wise man” drivel of doom and gloom, as we’ve come to know and expect.
But what if you didn’t have to keep beating yourself with this schtick?
What if you could develop some serious Mental Kung Fu skills and parry bullshit at will?

What if this gridlocked-status-quo could be changed?
What if you could learn to let go of your inclination to look for some-thing/one to follow, and instead, take over the lead from your SELF?

Knowledge Vs. Experience:

Near death, gives more zest for life than anything else.

You only become thankful after having lost.

You can only be fulfilled after having wanted.

You can know these things, but they will not mean anything to you, unless you’ve been through them yourself.

And here’s the kicker:
When you are in a bad place and are wishing or praying. What ever good comes from your yearnings, it is actually your inner Self that answers!

o talk to your inner rascal, like you would a God, and heed your own calling.

No God will ever help you, but YOU CAN HELP YOUR SELF!

The question is: Will you?

The best things in life are free.
You will never see an advert for something that won’t make someone else, some money.
But what about something that will SAVE society money?

Perhaps we still stand a chance, if we can somehow commoditize common sensibility?
Stay tuned… [Indefinitely]

But while we wait for that.
Why not just get going and get a head start.

What’s the worst that could happen?

What are you waiting for?

A sign?

Well, here you go!
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