A little about me
-Some random dude on the internet
I’m 41 years old, a father of two wonderful rascals age 10 and 14 and married to my amazing (and patient!) wife.
I’m a “Behavioral Activist” (a moniker I’m predicting will become “a thing” very soon), as well as a whole bunch of other things, that you can read about in Mental Kung Fu vol. 2 if you’d like.
I’ve always had a burning interest for how our impressionable mind works, as well as finding new and fun ways to approach: Exercise, nutrition and personal development.
Especially martial arts and the science of the underlying mechanisms of psycho-social and bio-chemical influences of our physical and mental health, has always been a major part of my life.
First as a hobby and then later on, professionally.
I’ve witnessed so many people around me (including myself) go down with stress, depression, eating-disorders and much worse, which has turned helping others avoid these preventable conditions into my life’s mission!
“Experience” is just a fancy word for having screwed up and learned from it, and luckily for your, I have GREAT EXPERIENCE in many fields, and have been through many things throughout my life and are not afraid of looking stupid and being vulnerable, therefore I happily divulge many embarrassing and personal experiences, in hopes that it will save you from having to go through the same.
(Or at least laugh about that there is someone equally stupid out there : )
I LOVE learning new things and I LOVE challenging myself by conquering my own [imagined] limitations, so through my many different challenges the last decades, I’ve spent several hours daily on researching all the most pervasive “schools of thought” within the fields of: Self-help, sales-psychology, “life-hacks”, fad-diets, fad-workouts, guru-advice to you-freaking-name-it. Then, in the pursuit of realizing the amazing promises, I’ve practiced all the most promising thing on my own body, family, friends and clients, under real-life situations, in order to see whether the theories hold up in reality and are not just rebranded kool-aid being resold at ever higher mark-ups.
The thing is nowadays, most of the “medicine” being peddled, is not being practiced by the preachers themselves.
Instead, THEY rely on YOU to take THEIR medicine to prosper, and with those kind of MOs being the rule rather than the exception, something should be done to combat this!
Any business-model that favors symptom-dulling rather than an actual cure, or even substituting the ailment with a subscription, is total bullshit if you ask me. Therefore MY proudest accomplishment will be to run myself out of business!
Look. Everyone wants to get you hooked on THEIR cure, but refuse to divulge the recipe.
Well, this is where Mental Kung Fu enters the picture, because I SPILL ALL THE BEANS and provide a hearty amount of recipes for you to add your own seasoning to.
Because you wanna know the secret?
The magic ingredient is BULLSHIT!
They. Just. Wanna. Sell. You. Something.
The thing with bullshit is however, that even though it’s an acquired taste, the new world will at first taste bland, as you begin to get rid of it. But after the withdrawal symptoms settle, the smorgasbord will become more delicious than ever before!
Of the gallons-upon-gallons of snake-oil I’ve consumed over the decades, the very few drops that turned out to have a measurable and lasting effect, I’ve then tried to challenge and debunk, and the remaining genuine actual real-life applicable techniques, I have then further improved upon throughout the years. The few bouillon cubes that were left after the Kool-Aid steam had settled, has turned into 3 books that span over 700 pages that, through turning HA-HA moments into AHA moments, teaches exactly this:
How to become a master in localizing/creating the most attractive and realistic approach, that will yield the largest improvement in your life, here and now, using the least amount of effort.
With this mindset, you become free of relying on the wayward feeling of “motivation”, that we so often find ourselves stuck in our tracks waiting for in futility.
So instead of awaiting optimum circumstances, we take ownership and create our own opportunities, with whatever resources we have available and MAKE PROGRESS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!
In other words: You learn to see and feel your-SELF in an entirely new way, and through this, you learn how to become your own teacher!
My approach, is to make myself unnecessary, rather than indispensable, and instead provide you with all the techniques and methods that YOU NEED, so that YOU CAN CONTINUE CREATING NEW RESULTS ALL ON YOUR OWN.
-Now that’s good Mental Kung Fu!
You cannot solve your problems using the same state-of-mind that created them.
Something else is needed and this is where I’m an expert and What Mental KUNG FU is all about:
Finding new opportunities where we previously only saw obstacles.
Now, I have no doctorate degrees or fancy titles and I’m neither rich nor famous.
Instead I’m an autodidact in the real world of the average-Joe with; sick kids, crappy work-hours, chronic illnesses, a shitty semi-defective body that actively fights me every step of the way, and life in general, in all it amazingness as well as horribleness.
I have both scar tissue and hardened skin, and I’m not afraid to admit that I cry at sad commercials.
I’m the end result af converting theoretical knowledge into practical experience, within all the branches that has the highest impact on our bodies and minds, and has made it my vocation to help others TRANSFORM THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL, FROM AN ONCOMING TRAIN, AND INTO WHATEVER IT IS THAT THEY ARE LONGING FOR.
I don’t offer quick-fixes or easy solutions, because they are simply not maintainable.
Easy come, easy go.
-What is offered is simple though, and simple we can ALL do!
Regardless of how much weight you can lose on a torture-diet, doesn’t really matter if you end up putting it all back on the moment the diet ends right?
Life is not some exercise to be ENDURED.
It is an experience to be ENJOYED!
If we only allow ourselves to be happy when external things are “perfect”, or in the brief moments when we reach our goals, what will happen as we grow older, weaker, more wrinkly and the milestones grow further and further apart and begins looking more like a headstone?
Do you want to transform from feeling that life is TRYING, and into something that has to be TRYED OUT?
Do you want to begin looking forward in anticipation instead of backwards in regretful vain?
Can you become okay with being in your own way?
Can you accept that life is NOT JUST A SERIES OF CHALLENGES TO BE WON, but one BIG GAME that is best when it is PLAYED?
Are you ready to stop feeling like GIVING UP and ready to GIVE IN instead?
Are you ready to start living each day, not as it was YOUR LAST, but AS IT WAS YOUR FIRST?!
Whaddya say:
Are you ready to open up a serious Self-ironic can of MENTAL KUNG FU?!
Then ENOUGH with the nauseating sales pitch already!
*In a dramatic Austin Powers voice*