Your Own Way

SELF-Conducted Induction

Red bloom

Ever had a dream so vivid you could swear it was real?
A dream where you felt that there was some kind of narrative lesson, that your subconsciousness was trying to teach you?

This is your conscious mind returning the favor.
This is Self-manipulation in its most obvious and unapologetic form.

However: [IT] WORKS!

Be aware, that your benefit will only be on the same level as your involvement.
The degree to which it works, is solely dependent on your own skill to both persuade your Self, and your ability to relax and allow your Self to BE persuaded.

The thing is though, that many people have become so jaded, that they cannot give in properly to this process.
This is totally normal for a sceptic mind, so don’t sweat it if this is the case, because if you want to, you can work on this, and re-learn your sense of child-like wonder, that got broken by the countless disappointing acts of over-promising and under-delivering that you’ve been through, throughout your life.

[IT] is not Self-delusion.
[IT] is more akin to loosening up the disillusioned Self, through Self-dilution.

Makes kinda sense?

Even though that this is as simple as child’s play, it is not for kids.
This is real, and will be quite emotionally painful, if carried out with all your heart, which is necessary if this is to work to the desired effect.

If you are in a state where you truly feel ready for such a mental operation, then this is for you:

comes from SCRUBBING



The Big Reveal

Introduction to re-construction

Green bloom


I don’t trust dangling carrots myself.
I prefer to know what I’m playing at, if I’m going to invest a considerable amount of time into something.

Therefore, this is your chance for looking at the exam, before going through the entire curriculum.
This might be considered “jumping the couch”, but you are an adult, and the informed choice is yours to make, and yours to make alone.
If you want to peek at the last page before reading the book, well, here it is.

My recommendation though, is for you to have completed reading and practicing the content of the Mental Kung Fu trilogy for a long enough time, so that you feel comfortable and competent with what you are about to embark on.

Self-Inducted behavioral change takes; deeply rooted Self-insight, a calm state of mind, physical energy, serious skill and an honest trust in your Self, that you are in good hands, based on experience, and not just a wish for it to be so.

You need personal experience, and a firm trust in yourself, that you can actually do, what you are about to do.

If you are not, there is a high chance you’ll actually make matters worse!

So, consider yourself warned.

An open receptive state-of-mind, an imagination in its prime, and the courage to allow yourself to give fully in, into trusting your Self to the process, is what determines the outcome.

Without further ado.

These are the beans about to be spilled.
-How they go down, depends on your knife-handling, cooking skills, and choice of seasoning.


Beginning at the end
the plot

Will ruin the point
the Gordian knot

The Alchemy Recipe

Trance-sition through volition

Blue bloom

Here is what you are gonna do:

-Set aside 2 hours in a quiet place where you cannot get disturbed, and where you feel safe and comfortable.
It is paramount that you don’t get interrupted or stop half-way in the process, as this will severely reduce your potential for getting the maximum effect out of it, if you end up needing a second try.
So truly consider if you are indeed ready or not.
If not. You’ll end up wasting one of the most beautiful experiences of your life!

[IT] all starts with getting in to an emotionally open and relaxed state, where your mental guards are down, and you become ready to have an honest, long-overdue, deep-felt, heart-to-heart with your Self under the conditions of lucid dreaming.

I recommend “The Great Reset” as a primer, for maximum psycho/physio-logical conditioning, and rounding off with a body-scan meditation from head-to-toe, going deeper and deeper into relaxation, as described in Mental Kung Fu Vol. I, or in “The 5 S’es” section under “Stress”.
This is done to disengage your [in]tense babbling conscious mind, and prepare your overheard pliable subconsciousness.

-Hopefully in a state of undisturbed relaxedness, you are gonna open up your Self for suggestioning like this:

Imagine your life if you stay on your current path.
First, live the consequences for yourself.
Then, live through the side-effects for your loved ones.

Play a first-person movie inside your head, where you are actually living through your life on your current path, from now, and until your last breath on your deathbed.

Vividly and painstakingly live through all of the scenarios, situations, and social interactions that become a direct consequence of your choice to not to change your ways, and sense all the accompanying frustrations, sadness and let-downs following this choice.
Picture people’s dissapointed and heart-broken facial expression and the accompanying emotions they envoke in you.

When you get to your death bed, and as you are drawing your very last breath, a recap of your frustrated life flashes before your eyes.
And then.
You die.

That’s [IT]. Game Over.

After a little while, when everything has sunken in, and you have all but faded away into oblivion, and you are contemplating what they are gonna remember you for, when giving your eulogy.
You ask your Self this question aloud:

What do you wish you had done differently?

Write this answer down on a piece of paper, stating what you WANT TO DO DIFFERENT going forward.
-Not what you don’t want to do.

Imagine, at the very last second before echoing into eternity, you suddenly get jolted back to tour current situation, and that you now get the opportunity of a life-time for creating a brand new timeline!
A timeline where you decide to change your negative behavior, and sense how thankfull you are for thes unique opportunity, and good this feels, all the way into your bones!

First, imagine the benefits for yourself.
Then, feel all the happiness that it brings to your loved ones, and all around you.

Play this new first-person movie inside your head, from right now when you make the change, and until your deathbed, while living through the fantastic emotions of realizing all of your fulfilled yearnings and realized wants, and become filled with all the sensations and and feelings that you have been longing after for so long!

Vividly picture all the good things that is going to come from your new course of action, and thoroughly describe to your Self, the behavior of the new you, and how much it means to you, to see all the hapiness that you new behavior brings to the ones around you, and picture their faces lightening up, and the loving looks from their eyes that they smile at you with.

Perhaps you even get so filled with happiness and joy, that you begin to tear up, and just LET GO of all of the frustrations that you have been dragging along for so long.
If you feel like crying, then by all means cry! Leving what you ACTUALLY FEEL IS THE MOST LIBERATION SENSATION THERE IS !

On you new death bed, ask your Self this: “If you could get a second chance in life, for helping yourself and your love dones, would you regret not taking it?

Write this answer down on the piece of paper.

You now have to things:

1A: What exactly you want to change.

1B: Whether you are going to regret not helping yourself and the ones most important to you.

What is holding you back?

After the discovery-phase, you are now ready to get the ball rolling with the action-phase, so here’s what you do:

State the barriers as to why you are not progressing where you want.
The more reluctant you are to state any given barrier, the closer you likely are to the truth, and you need to state as many honest reasons as possible, because the further you get down the list, the closer you get to the actual cause.

Write down the barrier/reason that hurt the most.

State the emotional reasons as to why you fail to remove your nemesistic barrier.

-Time, money and other external resources are not relevant right now. Only the feeling you get when you imagine trying to imagine solving your problem.

Write this emotional reason down.

Think about what comforting ritual you can perform to counter-act or soothe the emotional-reason from above.
(Is this perhaps even one of the behaviors you want to change?)

Write this soothing ritual down.
-This will be your friend in need, when you fail, because anyone trying new things whole-heartedly ARE going to fail, but this is part of the process and is totally okay.
In fact: If you are NOT FAILING, then you are NOT TRYING hard enough!


State the simplest, easiest and most accessible solution to absolving the barrier you are most motivated towards removing, which you can begin to work on immediately.
-Not later, or when convenient, but what single simple action you can perform right now, to start your new life.

Write the solution down in this way: “At X-time/event, I will perform this [specifically defined action]”.
Imagine that you are talking to a mischievous genie, and be as explicit as possible, so there can be no confusion as to what needs to be done, and exactly you are going to do it.

Try to foresee all the potential obstacles as to what could stop you in the situation, and develop one simple universal backup-plan that you can fall back to, as an alternative to not following through.

It might not be the all that you wanted, but it will still make you feel better than doing nothing!

Planning your success!

You now have all the reconnaissance info you need, to lay out your plan in detail!

(1-A): What you want to do.
(1-B): Whether you will regret not doing [IT].

(2-A): What can stop you.
(2-B): Why [IT] has stopped you before.
(2-C): What you can do to relieve yourself from this.
(2-D): What you are going to do, and how you can have honest confidence in your success, because you now have a backup in place!

(3): Execution time:
Sum it all up.
Remove any abstractions.
Write everything down in a short and concise Will-Do-Form, and hang it in a location where you naturally look, multiple times a day, as a helpful Self-reminder.

Take a deep breath, smile and relax because:
Now, there literally is nothing holding you back, so




Wait... I'm actually okay?

[IT] was a mirage of Self-sabotage all along


If you are curious as to how this simple formula can be so impactful, I completely understand.
It took me over 40 years of bumps and bruises to track, test and boil down the prerequisites, needed for successfully carrying out “The Alchemy Recipe“, for which The Mental Kung Fu Trilogy is the end result.

And you know what I learned along the way?

You cannot taste a dish from only reading the recipe.
You cannot learn how to drive a car from just reading the manual.
You cannot experience something you have never seen before, based solely on someone else’s explanation.


The thing is, that pretty much all other Self-help approaches out there, are about TELLING your subconscious mind WHAT
YOU WANT it to do.
-A brute-force willing.

The Mental Kung Fu approach, is completely opposing to this approach, and is about asking [IT] WHAT IT NEEDS, out of empathetic curiosity.
-A gentle and self-caring approach, that takes advantage of the reciprocity principle, instead for simply taking-advantage.

What is your own experiences from life, when it comes to seeking the help of others?
What approach gives you the best long-term results?

ORDERING SOMEONE to do something for you, or ASKING THEM NICELY, if they’d like to help out of their own free will?

Why would you treat your Self any differently?

Look, Mental Kung Fu isn’t a new magical paradigm.
It’s simply The Lost Art of caring for your Self, instead of bossing it around, trying to achieve things that have been put into your mind by external interests.

And you know what?
As you experimentingly bounce through all the meticulously laid out hoops in the book series, perhaps you’ll rediscover how fun the game can actually be, and stop looking at the score-board so much…

Truth be told.
My bet is, that in the end, you won’t even need “The Alchemy Recipe”!

*takes off fake black-belt and throws it in the garbage*

This is [IT]

The end of the road for you


The beginning of A NEW WAY


The choice is yours:

Remain set in your old ways


Try something fun and new:

Spoiling the ending


Explaining how and why the Alchemy Recipe works.

or some, this will ruin the magic, and hence the procedure’s potency.
For others, this will make them comfortable with what’s going on, allowing them to properly give in, and enjoy the full effect.

Therefore, figure out who you are, before reading on, because there is no going back once the magician’s tricks have been revealed, and I don’t wanna spoil the circus for you if you wanna keep going!

Alchemy Recipe step-by-step breakdown, here we go:
-Sit tight, because it’s gonna be a doozy!


What your ACTUAL end goal is.
-Not the material object or physical action that you think you want, but the emotion/sensation [IT] will give you when you attain it.

You don’t actually want a new [insert-object-of-desire].
You want the feeling of excitement that comes from upgrading.

-This quickly wears off, and only stems from your awareness that something-better-than-what-you-already-have, exists.

You don’t actually want to travel the world.
You want new experiences that are in stark contrast to your current humdrum-every-day life.

-The world is a big place, but you can never truly outrun boredom caused by an artificial idea of either “Self-realization” or finishing a bucket-list.

You don’t actually want a better job.
You want something that you believe is more rewarding, financially, emotionally and spiritually.
-There will always be bullshit, problems and headaches no matter what position you hold, or where you spend your waken hours.
The question is: Are you trying to run away from something that IS part of you, or towards something that you wish WAS a part of you?

Boiled down:
You are yearning for an emotional respite, from something you find latently “missing”.
This can only be achieved for as long as you feel contented, and you have been conditioned all of your life to never be contented, so guess how this is going to play out, if you don’t change your awareness?

Whether you are definitively willing to accept your shortcomings, make peace with them and FINALLY go do what YOU KNOW NEEDS TO BE DONE, instead of procrastinating through the excuse of awaiting the “right” shortcut?

-On other words: Are you ready to stop fighting your Self, and ready to instead fight FOR yourself?


The parts where you not only imagine your own death, you live it, is essential because it is a ride of passage.
All throughout history, in many cultures, tribes, secret-societies, cults and religions, the concept of rebirth is a well kept secret for enrolling new tithers.
Normally, this is sought induced through haphazard-hazing-rituals and ceremonies, cementing the prospects investment into the hive, like nothing else can.
I mean. Being granted an extra life is as powerful as [IT] gets!

In Mental Kung Fu however, we prime our Selves, through rigorous preparational physiological exer-cises and mental inner-cises, and then finally Self-Induce (or Self-hypnotize, if you will), our Selves into lucidly experiencing the end of our lives, and the elating sensation of an extra chance of bettering our lives.

[IT] is very powerful stuff, and done wrong or incompletely, it can have serious consequences, so do not go through it until you know from experience that you are able to successfully complete the procedure, as failing to follow it to the end, can leave you in a sort of emotional limbo, and severely reduce your chances of getting the full effect later on, if you decide to go through [IT] again!


What is holding you back.
Only when you stop blaming that which you have no control over and accept your own responsibility of what you do have control over, will you be able to make progress.

Why [IT] keeps pulling you back.
First when you actually feel confident in embarking on the task at hand, will you stop Self-sabotaging out of fear of traversing your new and unproven way.

What you can do to relieve yourself from re-living this.

Could accepting your unwanted behavior, actually make [IT] so much better that it could stop being a problem?

How you can perform the simplest, most accessible, least resource-demanding act, that gives you the largest pay-off, as fast as possible.
Getting started immediately and with success
, is paramount for following through.
We dont go after the final pay-off that is months and years in the future.
We plot the course and start collecting the down-payments right [on the] away!


our “bad-habit” keeps you happy. (Or at least somewhat sane.)
-Your “happyt”, if you will. (Aww, come on!)

Unless we are talking; substance abuse, eating disorders, self-mutilation or other irreparable-harm-inducing conditions (obviously please seek professional help for this!), your “bad-habit” can often become your friend in need, instead of the mischievous friend that feeds your Self-loathing.

Accepting that you have a physiological need for external comfort in the form of a dopamine/endorphin releasing ritual, is one step towards becoming okay, with not being as perfect as you’d like your Self to be.

Since ancient times, many tribes around the globe has used ceremonial smoking/eating/drinking of various things, as acts of healing.
How well [IT] worked, depended on the amount of faith people put into their local witchdoctor, and him not poisoning them too much.

One really potent thing outside actual drugs, is the stress relieving (cortisol reducing [catabolic hormone]) ritual of eating something fatty and sweet (insulin increasing [anabolic hormone]), which bio-chemically counter-acts and soothes your negative emotions/sensations.

It’s basically a substitute for your most instinctive path to comfort: Breast feeding.

If what you consume, closely resembles the macronutrient composition of human breast milk, (~55% fat, ~39% carbs, ~6% protein) then your hormonal glands are in for a treat, and your Self-control, in for defeat!
-Luckily, most of our friendly neighborhood Giga-Corp food industry, are also hyper-aware of this fact, which is one of the very reasons you are feeling the way you are.
Go check out the macro-composition of your average caffeine-spiked ice-cream “Frappé”, if you don’t believe me.

Your hormones will always trump your intentions.
Will can only ever beat skill, if you have the mental and physical resources to stand up and fight.
It will not happen, sitting down.

Learning what to administer, when, and how to control the dosage, is your way to becoming your own witch-doctor!


Your detailed course-of-action-plan, vividly burned into your memory, with fail-safes and built-in reminders!

Your brain cannot execute on a command that it does not understand, and you body can never get you to where you want to be, if you do not have the exact coordinates, so through Kidlin’s law (explaining a problem as detailed as possible, is half the solution), you explain to your Self what the ACTION NEEDED is, instead of STATING THE PROBLEM, which is not actually actionable.

Efferent-Emotions puts things in motion:
When you carefully and conscientiously write something emotional down kinesthetically, like you would normally do in an old-school diary/journal, you not only process the emotions, your senses re-live and experience them anew, as your hands write the letters and your eyes see them, while you also read them aloud to your Self, engaging all of your sensory apparatus, and increases you investment in betterment exponentially, rather than scribbling unreadable doodles on a half-assed crumbled-up Post-It.

The invested care you put into this, will be a direct reflection of your degree of success.

Self-worth beats Self-confidence’s ass. Every. Time.
Self-worth is proven capability, you know you possess, stemming from intra-personal experiments.
Self-confidence is rumored ability, you have been told you have, percolating from inter-personal experience.

When you know, you know.
When you only believe, doubt will always keep you from reaching your full potential!

Now you have the knowledge, to make your Self learn,
how to know.

[IT] is very simple to do.
But it is very difficult to be simple.

Luckily, difficulty becomes A BLAST when you ARE UP FOR THE CHALLENGE!

So what do you say?


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