Red bloom

The Dynamic Equilibrium Equation

I T ≈

This is “ IT ”
The foundation of Mental Kung Fu.

The “ I ”, represents the Immaterial:
The mind. The spiritual. [The Self]

The “ ” symbol, is known as the “Equilibrium Arrows”.
They allude to a self-balancing scale. [Homeostasis]

The “ T ”, represents Things:
The material. The physical. [The Body]

The “ ≈ ” symbol, is known as the “Approximation waves”:
They suggest: True, but never “absolute”. [Perception]

The “ 🜄 ” symbol, is the ancient alchemy icon for water.
It symbolizes the ever-evolving and never-satisfied Nature [Of Man].

These are the interdependent dynamic relationships you need to become aware of,
in order to design s
ustainable behavioral changes, for your Self.
Everything is explained very detailed in Mental Kung Fu vol. 3.

[IT] even goes beyond subconsciousness, into the nether realms of infra-consciousness.
“But what about after that” you ask?
Well, It’s turtles all the way down baby!

For now, it is just presented as a conceptual formula to pique your imagination, and plant a seed.

What [IT] is really all about, is simply becoming a Self-caring “parent”, and learning when to pamper, and when to damper, your hampered Self, so as to avoid the temper tantrums, and resulting void of destructive Self-scorning, followed by Self-comfort, through the very thing you want to avoid in the first place.

Mental Kung Fu means

Benevolent Reciprocity
Malevolent Toxicity

Compensation Balancing

The key for creating INSTANT RESULTS with long term ANCHORING POTENTIAL, is making the desired behavioral change SIMPLE TO IMPLEMENT, and STRAIGHT FORWARD TO ADJUST, when life inevitably interferes with your plans.

This is how you make progress into a habit:

To start making advancements in any field, be it ie.: Weight loss, getting in shape, less screen-time, reducing stress etc., here’s what you do:

START doing one NEW thing that’s GOOD for you.
STOP doing one OLD thing that’s BAD for you.

When* you regress and do one “bad” thing, then “catch up” by doing two “good” things soon after and stay on the course to betterment.
* = Yes: When. Not if. Life does not respect your plans!

Even better, if you can SUBSTITUTE a “bad” thing for a “good” thing, your progress will be two-fold. However, this is very hard to maintain in the long run, unless your new positive habit gives you the same sensation of fulfillment and satisfaction as the old one, because let’s be honest here: Broccoli seldom trumps ice-cream late at night when you are alone on the couch.

The “substitution-solution” is normally what fails in the long run, so start out with compensating so you don’t end up aggravating.

This undulating approach, where you allow yourself to swing back and forth according to circumstance, is much more natural and a lot more likely to keep you on track in the long run.
It’s much better to have an imperfect system that fits real life, than a perfect system where life doesn’t fit.

The “math” is really simple in this approach: 
Increase progress
Reduce regress
Compensate and reassess

Say your goal is weight loss, and you happen to eat an extra pizza one night (It happens, okay?!). Then, either exercise more, or for longer than you would normally do the following days, or skip breakfast the next day, plus a snack or two.
Compensate through either reducing the input or increasing the output. Or a combination.
Just do whatever works for you, in any given scenario!

The compensation ratio ought be around 2:1 = Two progressive reactions for each regressive action.
This is a very gentle way of modulating one’s behavior, and has built-in precautions for “slip-ups”, and naturally adapts to life’s ever changing circumstances dynamically.

Any “perfect-plan” is doomed to fail, so stop wasting energy on chasing perfection to no avail.

Mental Kung Fu

so you don’t end up

Green bloom

The Pursuit Of Crappyness

Very few things frustrates us as profoundly as having our behavior involuntary moderated by a third party.
– Just picture a baby having its pacifier taken away!
Now imagine having your behavior manipulated on a subconscious level for a very large portion of your life.
This leaves many with a lingering sense of chronic frustration and an eternal yearning for
something to make it go away.

This sense of permanent unrest.
This latent itch you cannot reach.
Such is the design of modern life.
That eerie feeling of being anxious-for-no-apparent-reason that you can’t exactly put your finger on, is the result of nefarious (or inept) behavioral design working its magic on you!

Pretty much everything everywhere, is connivingly trying to over-sell and under-deliver, and your mind is becoming worn-out, and your body burned-out, from constantly being on high-alert, trying to decipher and convert everything into what it ACTUALLY MEANS FOR YOU, while simultaneously striving for convincing yourself that “everything is fine” and “that’s just how it is”.

Don’t believe me?
Well. A homework-assignment could be to engage your day with a fresh set of objective eyes and
really pay attention and count every time you notice that you are being sought influenced or manipulated.

[IT] is not about RE-programming yourself


[IT] is about DE-programming your SELF!

The Emperor's New Bullshit

With your Bullshit-O-Meter now engaged, try observing how the following effects you:

– Do you for instance feel that you can’t escape adverts in the public space?
– Does your app/software perhaps make you jump through unnecessary virtual hoops for someone else’s benefit?
– Maybe your paid-for experience of watching movies, series or playing video-games, is more frustrating than if you pirated them?
– It could be that you have to follow asinine procedures at work that you could improve, if only you were allowed to?
– Does you place of work use dishonest Business-Bullshit such as ie. “…updating the employee profile…” instead of just saying “Firing“?
– Are you often encouraged to spend or purchase more than you initially wanted to when shopping?
– Are you okay with everything costing a scheming “9.99”, instead of just an honest 10 bucks?
– Does it bother you that everything you watch and read, is always trying to cram just one more video or article down your throat?
– Do you think that product-packaging is generally honest about how it represents its content’s actual quality or amount?
– When visiting a fast-food establishment, is it your experience that the food-pictures represent reality?
– Do you believe that manufacturers in general, are honest when representing their products capabilities?
– Do you constantly get bugged about accepting things that you are actually not okay with, such as incomprehensible EULAS’s and cookies?
– Are you annoyed by being constantly asked to rate your experience on anything and everything?
– Are you surrounded by things that are insistently fighting for your attention through visual or auditory noise?
– Are you often interrupted by pop-ups, intentionally distracting commercials and bothersome attractor sounds?
– Do you feel that the communication you generally receive, is created with your benefit in mind, or the sender’s?
– Do you notice the constant titillating and teasing going on in the public space, seeking to captivate your awareness for just a little longer?
– Do you sometimes get the sense that no matter what you do, it is never enough?

How do these recurring encounters make you feel on a daily basis?

Happy or crappy?

The ham-fistedly obvious behavior weaning one thing.
A whole other game, is your dynamically tailored Search and SoMe experience:

What is
your feed, feeding YOU?
Perhaps both, in modulated intervals, so as to double down and bet on both red and black?

Why do you think that is?

How does this make you feel if you reeeaaally listen inwards?

Your body temperature might be average, but your piss is probably closer to boiling!
-You’ve just gotten used to it.

What if it didn’t have to be this way?

SKILLED behavioral design
GIVES you MORE value
than you GIVE UP

Becoming Your Own Architect

– If you are looking for help,
you need only look into a mirror

Mental Kung Fu is reverse-engineered behavioral psychology, redesigned, retooled and repurposed to recalibrate your Self, so that you can become free from the addiction-generating control-mechanisms negatively affecting your quality of life, designed into every algorithm, every App, every place-of-purchase and every transactional scenario you encounter on a daily basis.

Mental Kung Fu, is self-administered behavioral-design-antidote, realized through becoming aware of the manipulative tools being used on you, and then instead of wasting energy on fighting back through force, you learn how to USE THEIR TRICKS TO YOUR OWN ADVANTAGE, instead remaining being taken advantage off!

With the advent of pervasive AI, autonomously adapting user experiences for maximum resource extraction, and curating information behind the scenes, prioritizing monetizable answers over meaningful insights, Actual Intelligence has never been more important than now!

It all starts with becoming aware of who is pulling the strings.
Because when you find your own fray and start tugging, it all starts to unveil and unravel very quickly!

Just like when you become acquainted with the tricks of a magician and you start to see through more and more smoke and mirrors, so will Mental Kung Fu help you re-calibrate and reinforce your inner compass to re-gain control, and stop you from being easily led astray.

The modern game of life is rigged against you.
The cake is a lie, and the princess is forever in another castle.
It is DESIGNED to be this way!

The question is just: WHY are you chasing after these things in the first place?
-Is it through personal volition or societal submission?

The start of any new quest, begins with asking the right new question.
So if you are tired of chasing rainbow gold, then this quest[ion] is for you!

Who put your life goals in your mind?
-Visionaries or missionaries?


Infinite Limitations

We humans strive for immortality in the form of leaving behind creations, be it offspring, monuments or works of art.
-We are apparently hardwired to do so.

We long for infinity with limited means.

We want to possess the entire universe, but can at best, ever expect to reach only the nearest galaxies.
This longing is what keeps us up at night.
This yearning is what drives perpetual development.
This striving, is our ego’s attempt of possessing EVERYTHING by achieving super-galactical-spiritual-oneness.

However, just like multiplying by infinity, it folds back as well into the opposite realm, like dividing by zero.
Into nothingness.
Having no possessions. No pleasure. No ego.
The life of an ascetic monk.

Now does either extreme seem practical, realistic nor attractive, or yet just another self-inflicted paradox again?

This inherent unquenchable thirst
 is what the marketeers target.
Our insatiable hunger is what they feed.
Until we learn how to take control over this inherent paradoxical trait of our Selves, we will forever be caught up in the un-winnable game of trying to fill an internal hole with external means.

When you can become the generator of your own comforting answers, then you become free of having to buy into someone else’s truth.

We are a species who invent gods, create laws and infer morals, where none exist, and then spend every waken minute afterwards on bending our own me[n]tal bars to the breaking point.
At the same time, we remain willfully blind to the fact that we put the bars up ourselves, because deep down inside, we know we cannot be trusted with unlimited freedom.

On a long enough timescale, all the various endgames, becomes the starting point for those who see things for what they really are:
Any end, is the beginning of something else, and any beginning, is the end of something else, and so it goes, on and on, forever and ever…

One of our biggest fears is boredom.
Think about it for a second.
The second hardest capital punishment, is solitary confinement.
I mean, we’d much rather be in general population with drug-addicts, rapists and murderers, than alone with only our-Selves.
Pretty crazy huh?
In many ways, we are in solitary confinement with our brains. Some semi-randomly assigned bunk-buddy.

The sizes of our thought-loops, how many we have and the diversity of them, determines whether we lean towards creative [self]realization, or manic [self]destruction.

Therefore, the better we can become at guiding our thoughts, the more we can feel like we are on vacation on a luxurious hotel, rather than imprisoned in a rubber cell.

like you are AFRAID OF LOSING

no matter how long you play

Defective Perspective

The whole idea of “progress”, is Self-destructive.
Don’t believe me?
Well, what do you do when you set out for anything in life?

Education/Career/Status goals…
Fitness/Health/Sport achievements…
Self-Realization/Spiritual/Personal-Development advancements…


You make a plan as to how to make as much progress as possible, as fast as convenient, with the least amount of resources invested.
Now, what do you do when you finally reach your self-inflicted goal?
You celebrate for mere MINUTES, over YEARS of hard work…

You then realize that “this” wasn’t “it” either, so you take a deep anticipative breath of the even fresher grass there must be, just over the horizon.

“It” can ever only fulfill you with sufficient satisfaction for mere moments, and you almost instantly start to compare your new plateau, to the next one up the ladder, as you take out your mental notepad and start making a new plan yet again.
A plan for more betterness.
The perpetual search for whatever that could be hiding
Ad infinitum…

But. What if there was a way to break free of this ping-pong > Gratification <-> Frustration < loop?
An alluring eternal inner peace?

Well. There isn’t!

No seriously.
Look at all of human history.
Those who think there is an escape, are even more trapped than then the people caught up in it.
You see?

This Self-illusion/solution predicament, is the very foundation of evolution and 
[human] nature itself.
Through our inherent striving for ultimateness, we inadvertently create problems that we then seek to solve.
The thing is just, that we can only solve what we our-Selves create.

Neither Nature nor Life can be “solved”, so why are we trying to so hard?

Instead of either fighting [our] nature or being controlled by it, we are much better off by seeing things for what they really are, and engaging in playing the game as it is designed to be played
, instead of tagging semi involuntary along as a disengaged bench-warmer.






Expecting The Non-Expected

You can only be disappointed as long as you foster expectations.

How much energy drainage in your life stems from unsatisfied assumptions, unfulfilled hopes and desires not being pleased?

Everywhere we are taught to set goals, chase them and expect fulfillment from this.

Perpetual growth, with limited means in finite time.
The ultimate 
succubus’ing stressor!

Well, what if your most transformative goal was to STOP SETTING GOALS FOR YOUR SELF?

Yes. Really.
Perpetual performance tracking is the only thing that makes our lives appear lacking!
If you have above-average health, half decent food and comfortable shelter and clothing, everything else is just Sirens singing to get your attention, and make you feel unhappy with your life, so they can have their way with you. 

Whenever you GO AFTER something new, it is logically implied that WHERE YOU ARE is UNDESIRABLE or WHAT YOU HAVE is NOT ENOUGH and WHO YOUR ARE is INSUFFICIENT.

Luckily, Mental Kung Fu is not in the business of selling greener grass.
[IT] is however, in the business of teaching you how to cultivate your existing environment, and make peace with inevitable weeds, while giving you techniques to keep them down to manageable levels, in fun and playful ways.

If you slow down, even just a little, the knee-jerk “what’s next?!” -mindset will slow down as well!
Contentment from conscientiousness. Not contentiousness.

It is not about expecting to be disappointed and then rejoicing that things turned out a fraction better than armageddon.
-That would be expected and simply trying to kid your Self, which we know doesn’t work.

[IT] is simply about forgoing expectations altogether, and just encountering what ever comes along with a prepared and open mind.
-It’s a lot easier than it sounds, and when you get this far in your journey, Mental Kung Fu Vol. III has you covered!

Nobody expects the vanished disposition!


“Philosophy is itself the disease
for which it pretends to be the cure:
The wise man does not pursue wisdom
but lives his life,
and therein precisely does his wisdom lie.”

-Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts

Wisdom Stinks

We are very easily fooled, but almost impossible to convince as to when we have been fooled…
This infantile trait, is why we so vehemently stick to our guns.
-Even though we are the ones pointing them at our own heads.

Anything and everything can be turned into “wisdom” by way of un-nuanced, one-sided over-simplification.
Altruism, egotism, subjectivism, objectivism, juxtapositioning, as well as the philosophy of not-giving-a-shit, and etc. ad infinitum.
Whether you perceive something as “wisdom” or bullshit, solely depends on the sender’s charisma and persuasiveness, and the fact that you believe them to be smarter/better than you.

In all societies around the globe, authoritarian figures wear distinctive and distinguished clothing, virtue signaling that they think highly of themselves, and want to be perceived as important and someone deserving respect.
Be it; expensive designer business suits, funny hats, a black belt or any other kind of garment than can distort the fabric of reality, into making the person playing dress-up, appear as the coming of the new savior.
Ever since the first caveman put a feather into their hair, to one-up his fellow man and demanded to be recognized as the head Honcho, the race has been on, in associating spoils-wearers with truth-bearers.

We have been raised with getting our truth from; famous, rich, beautiful and powerful people, without ever being taught to question whether they
actually have any new profound personal experience, or are just regurgitating rehashes of other’s brilliance, in order to make themselves shine.

However, borrowed feathers and simili-stones, only impress those who are easily oppressed.

Now, if we just shortly rewind and re-analyze “The Disease Of Philosophy” quote from Bruce Lee, the philosophic paradox deepens even more, because if HE was truly wise, then in his own logic, he would be far to busy living his own life, as to waste time on making quotes and being in the spotlight…

Ah, the good ol’ game of the pot calling the kettle black. But that’s totally understandable as he’s simply human, and we humans are not rational, but merely rationalizing.

Our brain’s favorite past-time, is coming up with reasoning for previous actions, after-the-fact, to make itself look as good as possible.

This is natural and harmless.
Unless, we become so blindsided by this inherent mechanism, that we become so intoxicated with the smell of our own farts, that we actually start believing our inner 5-year-old’s imaginary explanations.

Every self-proclaimed idol to descend upon man in all of history, demanding awe, has resulted in awfulness in the long run.
So whenever someone comes along and tells you that THEY HAVE ANSWERS FOR YOU and that YOU WILL BE REWARDED monetarily or spiritually when you pass the line of the person flailing the checkered flag, then what you should see, is a GIANT RED FLAG instead!

Every teacher who believes themselves to above questioning are undoubtably questionable!

If you can learn to associate peacocks with poppycock, and disassociate visual spoils with personal gains, then you will travel lighter, go faster and get further than ANYONE caught up in the rigged game, of trying to get ahead, through following the advice from people who’s progress depends on keeping you behind.

Only then, when you stop to depend, will you truly ascend!

If you DON’T FILTER things

Energy Drain

The mind is said to be like a mirror, as it reflects how you perceive the world.
Well, I would argue that it is more like a fair-ground two-way mirror, because even though it may be squeaky-clean at birth, the wear-and-tear of  time distorts reality more and more, and the spectator behind the scenes, your popcorn-eating-drama-loving-Self, gets more and more caught up in the stained, cracked and smudged up version of life, that slowly becomes your reality, as you grow to depleted to maintain a basic level of house-keeping.

You eventually become so filled with crap, that crap is all that comes out of you, and you then attract like-minded crap-marinated people, which returns the favor, and you inevitably become stuck, festering in this bullshit-alternate-timeline-version of life.
-All because of a misplaced squeegee…

Our fundamental problem is, that socially we seek to have our feelings/energy reciprocated, but through our un-trained empathy mechanism (or “mirror neurons”, if you want to sound smart), we inadvertently get caught up in others’ feelings, drama and worries.
This is all fine-and-dandy with actual physical people in front of you, but when it comes to the virtual people behind your screen, the whole situation takes a turn for the worse.
By design.

It takes two trusting entities to create rapport, but the thing with virtual people and the parasitical para-social connection we feel we share, is that since the Algorithm knows how to match its content to our mood-based behavior, it serves you just enough of what you desire, to accept its bullshit.

It slowly but surely induces brain-rot, from usurping your sanity with memes.

We become entangled and suspended in this emotional state of “Stockholm Syndrome”, from the myriads of playlists shuffling between: Funny-cats, ISIS-beheadings, Sexy-half-naked-models, Fatal-Accidents, ASMR-Food-porn, Adorable-baby-videos, Suicide-manifestos, Exotic-holliday-locations-we-never-get-to-see, Mass-Shootings, Crippled-pets, Incredible-duper-human-feats and Commercials. Oh God, the commercials!

Our internal emotional state is completely out of whack, as it is being constantly modulated, mutilated, titillated, undulated, obfuscated, fluctuated and obliterated, by our innocently looking Manchurian Candidate sign-up-Pads.

To combat this, we are in acute dire need of a digital detox, that does not require drinking bleach.
-Luckily, you can practice this sort of “Detached Empathy”. Even without becoming a sociopath!

Just as you cannot use sense to combat nonsense. You also cannot use logic to control your emotions.
You need to learn how to detach, deflect and reflect, in order to understand your foe and conquer it.

when you feel

Searching [for] Your SELF

When out-and-about, spelunking for answers, one parameter to be weary of, is not the obvious ad-driven algorithms.
It is your not-so-obvious, inherently confirmation-bias-driven: “Ego-Rythm”.

AKA: The need to find soothing simple answers that agrees with our existing beliefs, rather than challenging and complicated answers, that goes against our current “safe” model of the world.

Most of the time, we are not really searching for answers. We just seek ways to have our desires validated, so that we do not have to change what we were planning on doing in the first place.

If you want to be totally honest with hourself, then try to objectively evaluate the way you formulate your queries:
Here’s a simple Search Engine example:

Why is Liver-King the best diet in the world
-Here the floodgates are open to every self-proclaimed health-influencer with the biggest advertising budget and all the SUBJECTIVE reasons as to why THIS fad is THE SECOND COMING.


“Most sustainable fat-loss diet, based on peer-reviewed meta-studies”
-Here, you pre-weed all the crap, but you have to be more knowledgable in deciphering the information, as it has not been dumbed-down to over-hyped-influencer-bullshit-level.
A Very small price to pay for not wating your time, if you ask me!

Are your questions to yourself/friends/online, uncomfortably open-ended, or more
 comfortably close-minded, and designed to give you more predetermined outcomes, that reinforces your preexisting behavior?

Realizing WHEN you are actually not on a TRUTH-SEEKING MISSION, but more on a COMFORT-SEEKING OMISSION, is the first step in achieving the latter!
(Mental Kung Fu Vol. II & III, deals extensively with these concepts).

We are true experts in sticking [IT] to ourselves through meticulously crafted spokes in our own wheels.

Relieving tension by taking a humorous approach to our own SELF-made predicament, is an important step, off our own toes and in the right direction!

Life is just one big INSIDE JOKE
EnJOYment comes from

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

You can’t make money on people who are content, and you can’t sell content to an audience in contempt.
-You have to strike the perfect balance between bull and shit. Else they won’t put up and put out.

People are taught to be infatuated with: Status, titles, ratings, levels, followers and [the] likes, because that means that the audience can relax their guard and stop thinking critically themselves, since the “higher-up” person, have been pre-approved by some external unquestionable entity, so whatever brand of toilet-paper
they are wiping their ass with, is bound to make you as successful as them!

Baron Münchausen product-placement, for their proxies to endorse. 
Couple that to an algorithm which serves more of what is deemed the most popular/marketable content at the time, and you get a positive feedback-loop of negativity for the masses who are devout to clout.

We’ve grown so mentally under-nourished and over-constipated from over-consumption, that our deteriorating physical and mental-health is keeping us in an ever tightening grip in the vise of vices, and vice versa.
-By the way: It’s so funny that we’re called consumers, when it is in fact OUR resources that are the ones being consumed.

We feel that we’ve passed the point of no-return and have all but given up, by given in.
“Just one more doom-scrolling session and I’ll quit. Promise!”

The first step in returning to sanity, is questioning your most shameful behavior.

The second step, is admitting to yourself is that what you are doing is wrong.


Why such a nasty and intimidating thing as whole-heartedly admitting that you are wrong?
Because only when you’ve accepted to your-Self that you are wrong, will you cut out all the bullshit Self-rationalizing excuses of how YOU, the center of the universe, should be allowed to do shit, that you judge OTHERS for doing!
(And probably even gives them advice on too!. *Ahem*)

History is filled to the brim with experts and gurus turning out to be 100% wrong. But, being in-it-too-deep to admit it, they would rather run everything with everyone in it, into the ground, rather than admitting the number one most ego damaging thing: They were wrong.

Fear of external judgement from having made a mistake, will make people do the most crazy shit imaginable.
Please don’t be that idiot.

When was the last time you, your-Self was wrong?
-Did you admit it openly, in the situation, or did your ego prevent you from it, by trying to make you look good instead?

It is a bigger disgrace, fighting to not lose face, when you know you’ve lost the race, than owning up to your mistakes.
-The only one you are kidding, is your SELF!

Only when you can laugh at your Self, will you truly become free.
-It takes the biggest person to admit openly they are small. Only when you have nothing left to hide, will you truly feel seen.

Only when you STOP TRYING to distort or escape reality, will you BE ABLE, AND BECOME CAPABLE ,TO CHANGE [IT]!

When you REALIZE that



play the game

Blue bloom

Mastering Your SELF!

Every self-help schtick with respect for itself has some sort of fancy looking graph, so here ya go:

Mental Kung Fu goes much further than other systems, in that it is not a closed-off system at all.
It is an ever evolving systemic mentality, that deals with the very fabric of what thoughts are and which of them are truly your own, guiding you, through introspective questions and interoceptive techniques, designed to help you [re]discover the real you.

Learning how to handle negative thought patterns and self-sabotaging behavior is all fine and dandy, but wouldn’t it be much better to prevent them entirely, through handling the cause once-and-for-all, instead of remaining perpetually preoccupied with fighting the symptoms, for someone else’s gain and your own pain?

The entire process is designed with great compassion and focus on MAKING THE JOURNEY AS FUN AND PAIN-FREE AS POSSIBLE, because even though major changes require major effort, IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE BORING!

I’ve taken the liberty to completely make up the above graph in order to illustrate what we are aiming at: A
ccelerating learning through gamification, and creating the optimum conditions, through designing the processes to put us right at the convergence of enjoyment and difficulty, marked by the triangle.

Unfortunately, no one can be told what Mental Kung Fu
It has to be experienced for one’s Self.

The question is therefore:
Do you want to get back to cubicle-dwelling in the hedonic dread-mill, or DO YOU WANT TO BREAK THE LOOP
-Awesomeness awaits, behind your Self!

What do you say:
Are you ready to stop pursuing
someone else’s notion of success/perfection, and instead discover YOUR OWN WAY, and finally “settle” for OKAY?

Then go grab your manure shovel and let’s go clean out all the BULLSHIT together!


*In a deep Kung Fu Voice*

IT is NOT about WILL

IT is ALL about SKILL

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